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Ostatki of platoon with the stretchers rapidly moved towards hangar. The communicator of sergeant quietly tinkled, assuming communication. Sergeant rapidly glanced at the screen. Arrived the codes of access on messenger and route.
Vpered, flies of sonnye! a malicious whisper in the interphone headsets no longer could force infantry to move more rapidly. Soldiers with the stretchers changed each other and entire has already been knocked out from the forces. The periodically presented barriers with each at once decreased a quantity of "porters", the remaining themselves people hardly stood on the feet, but purpose approached.
Do of hangar remained not more than the kilometer, when from the first barrier communication about the attack arrived. Sergeant gloomy estimated, that will be held they not more than three minutes. Two people against the experimental platoon... Die worthily...
Eshche through two hundred is meter it reported the second barrier it became silent, without having had time to finish report. Persecutors moved much more rapidly than sergeant expected. His turn arrived, it replaced by the stretchers of the being loose herself Private.
Tretiy last barrier was held longer than others. To barrier left practically entire ammunition and all armor plates. Shooting it was already well audible along the infinite pipes of underground corridors.
"Tol'ko to have time... If I have time, my family not will in nothing require. And my children will no longer hurry about in the bulletproof vests throughout the entire universe and feed stitch in the provincial garrisons ".
Shlyuz approached as if unwillingly. Finally, the lost strength soldiers threw stretchers next to the winches. Sergeant, is heavy dysha, communicator reached and introduced the code. Lock clicked and gates crawled upward. Without waiting until, until they completely rise, sergeant was rolled under them and measurement, after seeing messenger. This was perfection! To some moment the sergeant forgot about everything. But the fallen silent shooting derived from his tetanus. Last barrier perished. Soldiers by dragging dragged Nimruda to the cab, until sergeant opened hatchway following instructions in the communicator, he neglected the program of engine warmup and was hurriedly introduced the route of movement.
to Vstat' into zaslon! without looking, it bellowed, understanding, that soldiers just as it were hypnotized by the beauty of ship. However, to name this barrier was already cannot.
you Tashchite it into the cab, gave an order sergeant, jumping out from the hatchway.
Nimruda convulsively jostled into the hatchway and fastened to the armchair. And only sergeant understood at this moment that he does not have code for the discovery of external gates to the runway. It heard someone's distant scoffing laughter, but it did not turn to it attention.



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